Friday, July 19, 2019

Your Ventures Unfair Advantage

List of the Resources:

1. Salespeople
- Valuable: You only need 1 person to run this thoroughly and keep everything in check. Even if you want to expand your business you only really need 2 or 3 people in the firm to sell efficiently.
- Rare: Most companies and ideas need a giant work force to even be able to get off the ground
- Inimitable: Having a small workforce is basically unseen in todays world
- Non-Substitutable: Human capital is the center of this area. Insurance has to be sold by a person to another person. It is done so best by the word of mouth.

2. Financial Capability
- Valuable: As a person already heavily involved in the financial sector, this company does not need a big amount of start up capital, however I easily possess the money to start the business
- Rare: Most companies take a lot of money to begin but with mine, we dont need that much startup money to be able to do things.
- Inimitable: Using a small amount of cash allows me to do other things within the company and develop other ideas to keep expansion and keep things flowing.
- Non-Substitutable: Finances cannot be substituted by anything else in the world.

3. Customizable Insurance Plans
- Valuable: it is the premise of the company. It is extremely valuable and cannot be replaced for any other resource.
- Rare: Having customizable insurance plans makes this extremely rare to find with many life insurance salesmen or brokers
- Inimitable: being a pioneer in this area, this is very copyable, but thats what happens in a pure competition is all about
- Non-Substitutable: Without customizable insurance plans the company or plan does not exist

4. Office Space
- Valuable: Having an office space gives a presence of being the real deal in the business world. A lot of people view companies by materialistic viewpoints. Being a company with an office would boost sales by just having some concrete database
- Rare: Not too rare, but a basic resource that most places depend on
- Inimitable: Most big businesses have office space in order to work
- Non-Substitutable: Being a business which takes little work force or little human capital, you can easily work from home or in an area much smaller

5. Company Website Outlining the Purpose, Mission Statement, and much more
- Valuable: Having a website is the easiest way to convey information to the general public about what it is you're doing.
- Rare: In an ever-changing environment the internet is the fastest growing sector in the world. Every company or growing industry must be involved in the internet race. It is not a rare platform but it is crucial.
- Inimitable: every company should have their own, so having a website is easily copyable
- Non-Substitutable: Instead of having a website I could push for word by mouth messages to convey the platform of my industry as well as my idea.

6. Assistant
- Valuable: Aside from salespeople, an assistant provides ridiculous support in enhancing the efficiency of the company. Having an assistant can keep track of all records, appointments, meetings, and other busy work salespeople do not have the liberty to do.
- Rare: Most companies or offices have assistants to keep track of the day to day tasks that the salespeople cannot do without help. Although it is not a task that takes a lot of education to do, Assistants/Secretaries are crucial to the development of any good work.
- Inimitable: Most companies have assistants to keep track of work
- Non-Substitutable: I can take on the workload without an assistant but it will prove inefficient to my work.

7. Marketing Tools
- Valuable: How are people going to decide if you are the right agency to use for their life insurance needs? The marketing of the company will prove the most valuable asset as a a startup. With negative views on life insurance agencies, most people will not hear or be interested in this new company. Life insurance is an unsought product most do not seek.
- Rare: Every company, business, or industry needs to be efficient in marketing to get their product known. Without it, most companies would fail just like most do.
- Inimitable: Every company needs to market, but it's not easy to copy the marketing tools and ideas of other companies.
- Non-Substitutable: You cant replace marketing without risking the failure of your company.

8. Client resource Companies
- Valuable: The whole premise of the company resides in obtaining clients that create commissions for the company. Using a Client Resource Company will give you access to a database filled with client information to narrow your search in the target market you are trying to attract.
- Rare: Using these companies is not rare because most service related industries pay these companies to locate specific clients in order to be more efficient.
- Inimitable: This is easily copyable by other companies because they were invented for this specific use
- Non-Substitutable: The method of finding customers can be substituted in many ways and can be done using a thousand other methods.

9. Liability Insurance
- Valuable: It is essential in the legal aspect of the company to protect yourself against liabilities that could happen, by either the insurance plan to give you false information or by the person to commit insurance fraud.
- Rare: Every company in most sectors needs insurance to run to be protected by any case scenario.
- Inimitable: Every company needs it
- Non-Substitutable: You cannot substitute this for anything because it is an essential resource.

10. Cybersecurity/Personal Security
- Valuable: In modern day area cyber security has grown as an increasing need. With so much information being available online, the personal security of a client should be number 1. Apple has faced major problems in the past with their lack of security.
- Rare: Having good cybersecurity is essential to most companies but it is rare for it to be good. Most will settle for adequate because it costs less and for the most part it does their job.
- Inimitable: Most companies will copy but it depends on what type they get.
- Non-Substitutable: Cybersecurity cannot be substituted for the fact that everything nowadays is transitioning into the biggest necessity for worldwide business that hold client sensitive information.

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas on how you are going to be competitive Joel, the only thing I'm seeing that isn't here is what is the one that you think is your bets attribute? I think a quick one would be your salespeople. With great salespeople you can definitely change the way everything works and be successful but with a bad sales team they could be detrimental to the company.
