Friday, July 26, 2019

Exit Strategy

1) When I thought of the life insurance business and my idea I planned to make an empire out of this. I planned to make this my mark in the world and thats where people would remember me as. As appealing as that sounds, if in 5 years a company offers me a lucrative deal on my company, I would be more than happy to sell it. Not to sit on a pile of money, but continue other endeavors that would lead to greater rates of revenue.

2) I don't have a set in stone exit strategy, but I chose this one that will allow me to diversify and do more with my life than just keep it at this level. I don't want to just focus all my time and energy on one company, I want to be able to maximize my sources of revenue and get in other businesses. Life insurance is not my true calling, but it is my vehicle to explode into the entrepreneurial world.

3) My exit strategy definitely has influenced my growth within the company. It has helped me identify how I want to grow and what I want to do when the company develops. It has showed me the route I am willing to take my business to.

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